Helping your family grow stronger in your relationships, commitments, and life transitions.
Application Resume(Mentee Couple)
If you are married you’ve no doubt experienced times when your marriage can be a challenge. From stealing the covers to a loss of trust, there’s a wide range of problems that you, as a couple, need to work through – but seeking professional help or counselling may be a drastic measure. That’s why we are here to help!
Many challenges that couples face in marriage can be navigated with more success when they walk through life with a mentoring couple who have traversed those tricky waters and emerged healthier and stronger than before!
The goal of the marriage mentor is:
“to lovingly invest in the preparation, and maximization, and restoration of lifelong marriages by walking alongside couples who are less experienced than their mentors.” – Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott
God has blessed CLCC with many healthy, strong married couples with a God-given desire to humbly walk alongside less experienced couples to provide insight and encouragement. Whether you are newly married or even if you’ve been together for years – these couples would love to listen and walk with you, not as a counsellor or marriage expert, but as a friend sharing their own life experiences and wisdom.
Topics our mentoring couples focus on during this mentorship include:
- Gratitude
- Showing Love
- Communication
- Conflict
- Rituals and Habits
- Money
- Pace and Priorities
- Spirituality
- Emotional and Physical Intimacy
- Parenting
- & more…
If you and your spouse are interested in growing together and strengthening your marriage through this mentorship, please complete the Application Resume.
For more information about the Marriage Mentorship Program, please contact the Office.
Wanting to serve with Family Matters? Check out the application process below!