At CLCC you will feel a warm and casual family atmosphere where you can be comfortable either dressing up a bit, or also in jeans and a t-shirt. Upon arrival you’ll be welcomed by a friendly host and find free coffee and tea to help yourself to. Our worship gatherings are designed for people of any background to benefit from, whether you’ve never been to church or if you regularly attend church. Our goal is to inspire, encourage, and challenge you in following Jesus, wherever you are in your journey.
Part way through our gathering we take a 7 minute break for coffee and conversation. During this break you can take your children to a Sunday experience geared for them, and have time to return to the main gathering area for the start of the morning message. Our nursery is open during the entire service. We hope you will be our guest and stay around to become a part of the CLCC family! Please contact us with any questions or inquiries.
Christian Life Community was planted in July of 1992. We began as a small group meeting in the home of Pastor Jim and Maureen Lucas who had moved from North Vancouver to birth the new community under the auspices of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. On January 17th of 1993 our new community “went public” and began meeting in the Chapel of Summit Pacific College.
We moved to Abbotsford Christian Secondary School on Old Clayburn Road after outgrowing the chapel in 1995. CLCC purchased and subdivided land in 2002 in order to subsidize the construction of a new facility, Creekside Centre, which now serves as a Base Camp for our Abbotsford campus at 35131 Straiton Road. In 2012 we began a partnership with a congregation in Aldergrove which developed into the two churches joining, with the Aldergrove congregation becoming a satellite campus of CLCC.
We envision you becoming all you can be in Christ, wherever God has you planted. We envision you becoming all you can be in Christ. We believe in people growing into their skin: becoming the best kind of person that God intends for them. Serving Him at home, at work, or in the church at their optimum capacity, wherever the Lord has called them. We seek to create environments in which the Holy Spirit can equip you to fulfill your unique and amazing calling.
So you can live your greatest life: Loving God, Loving Others, and Reaching the World. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.” -Matthew 28:19. “Jesus said, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart … soul … and mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” - Matthew 22:36-40
Biblical Teaching
We believe and practice the authority and life-changing power of God’s word
Leadership Development
We train emerging leaders from our congregation, our College and our Seminary
Today’s Generation
We spend significant resources on reaching the younger generation
Multiple Locations
We value gathering and growing together through our satellite campuses.
Multipurpose Facilities
We have built a “base camp” known as Creekside Center to serve the community in a variety of ways
Missional Ministry
We are about sending and being sent into the world with the message of Jesus’ love and reconciliation
Spirit-Empowered Service
We experience and live out of the life empowering presence of the Holy Spirit