Christian Life Community Church’s objective is to safeguard the children, youth and vulnerable adults of CLCC from abuse; protect the CLCC staff and volunteer workers from potential allegations of sexual abuse; and limit the extent of legal risk and liability due to any such abuse.
It is our commitment to provide protective care to all children and youth attending any programs sponsored by CLCC. Therefore, we as staff and volunteers abide by the following guidelines:
- We screen all those who work with children, youth and vulnerable adults, checking references and requiring Criminal Record Checks.
- Anyone found to have a criminal record involving children, youth or vulnerable adults will NOT be allowed to work or volunteer with children, youth or vulnerable adults here at CLCC.
- We train all of our staff (both paid and volunteers) to understand the nature of child abuse, to carry out our policies to prevent abuse, and to follow clearly defined reporting procedures for suspected incidents.
- All of our children and youth volunteers sign a Ministry Covenant agreeing to comply with the church’s policy and guidelines.
- We have adopted a “two leader” rule which states that two people need to be present during any children’s activity.
- We follow the “six month” rule which states that volunteers may work with children only after attending CLCC for a minimum of six months or having a good reference from their previous church.
In order for Christian Life Community Church to qualify for insurance it is required that all volunteers (AGES 14 AND UP) working with children, youth and vulnerable adults complete our FREE- 1 hour training program. Please follow the link below. You will need to ENROLL for the course in order to access the training videos.